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标题: 迪玛希Dimash - Lay Down – 无损FLAC&高音质MP3(320K) - 网盘下载 [打印本页]

作者: 佛罗里达    时间: 2019-4-11 02:58
标题: 迪玛希Dimash - Lay Down – 无损FLAC&高音质MP3(320K) - 网盘下载

作曲:K.Chozen, Appu Krishnan, Otto Palmborg, Christian Jansson
作词:Otto Palmborg, Christian Jansson
制作人Producer: K.Chozen

迪玛希新专辑第二波主打《Lay Down》重回摇滚时代
每个音浪都鼓动身心  激情澎湃一鸣惊人

当一个人懂得放下,放下骄傲、放下荣耀、放下依赖后,他才能重新站起来,跟上前进的步伐,从黑暗里冲向黎明。与弗雷迪相同的是,迪玛希同样将所有热血付诸于歌声,他放下《歌手》带来的荣耀,重新起航、不断超越自我。在这首摇滚味道十足,又满满正能量的歌曲《Lay Down》中,展现出旺盛的音乐能量,他声嘶力竭地唱出勇于征服未来、踏向光明的意志力,高超的演唱技巧、热血沸腾的歌词和旋律令人为之动容。
这首《Lay Down》是迪玛希2019新专辑的第二波全英文主打歌。在感受过首波主打歌《战争与和平》的大气磅礴后,迪玛希带你重回并致敬摇滚时代,将当初皇后乐队不怕输不服输的摇滚精神重现。编曲以电子与摇滚相结合,极具旧时代气息律动感的节奏,与独具巧思的乐器搭配,呈现出的效果宛如摇滚时代的再次来临。迪玛希特有的魅惑声线和灵魂唱法,加以失真的人声处理方式令整首歌质感再度升华,不鸣则已一鸣惊人。




Lay Down - 迪玛希Dimash
词:Otto Palmborg/Christian Jansson
曲:K.Chozen/Appu Krishnan/Otto Palmborg/Christian Jansson
吉他:Jason Jones
和声:迪玛希Dimash/Otto Palmborg
Let me tell you this
Cos I can't forget all this
It's easy to forgive
And just give it all up
For better days
This is for the paranoia
You better believe I've got the fire
You cannot forget and just give it all up for better days
I'm calling you out it's the opposite what you been told
And you and I both know that
Our time is running out now
I'm calling you out it will still be the same
And you and I both got our fire
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall like you never fell before
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall down again
Let me tell you this
Cos I can't forget all this
You cannot forget and
Just give it all up for better days
This is for the paranoia
You better believe I've got the fire
You cannot forget and just give it all up for better days
I'm calling you out it's the opposite what you been told
And you and I both know that
Our time is running out now
I'm calling you out it will still be the same
And you and I both got our fire
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall like you never fell before
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall down again
Lay down your Pride and I'll
Show you the way we'll go
Head to head don't fold now
Get up
Lay down your Pride and I'll
Show you the way we'll go
Head to head don't fold now
Get up
Lay down your Pride and I'll
Show you the way we'll go
Head to head don't fold now
Get up
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall like you never fell before
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall down again
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall like you never fell before
Get up
Get up
You've gotta keep up
Or else you're gonna fall down again
Lay down your Pride and I'll
Show you the way we'll go
Head to head don't fold now
Get up
Lay down your Pride and I'll
Show you the way we'll go
Head to head don't fold now
Get up


迪玛希Dimash - Lay Down.flac
27.11 MB
迪玛希Dimash - Lay Down.mp3
8.51 MB

文件总数 = 2
文件大小之和 = 37356290 Bytes


作者: hdchy    时间: 2019-4-11 11:20
作者: Namu    时间: 2019-4-11 14:25
作者: guanxi1982    时间: 2019-4-11 14:31
作者: begenius    时间: 2019-4-12 00:44
作者: shining    时间: 2020-4-12 15:31
英文 确实蛮奇怪的

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