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标题: 袁娅维&Gallant-Trust Myself(feat. Gallant) – 高音质[320Kbps]8.29 M/MP... [打印本页]

作者: 佛罗里达    时间: 2019-6-22 08:43
标题: 袁娅维&Gallant-Trust Myself(feat. Gallant) – 高音质[320Kbps]8.29 M/MP...

TIA × Gallant
If I can’t trust myself with love
Then How’m I sposed to trust somebody else with love
相信自己 以爱还爱
灵魂碰撞 完美和声
结束一段感情,往往无法立刻从当时的情绪中抽离,而曾经熟悉的一切,更让人触景伤情。不由得怀疑自己“是否还能遇到下一个挚爱”;“是否还能开始下一段感情”;“是否还有爱别人的气力”,却忘了“爱自己,相信自己”也是爱的一部分。正如歌词所说,“If I can’t trust myself with love, Then How’m I sposed to trust somebody else with love”—— 如果不再相信自己可以去爱,又如何相信别人的爱呢?《Trust Myself》,正是表述这样想法的一首作品。
TIA虽然是和Gallant的首次合作,但当TIA和Gallant在曾孕育出《Beyoncé》(Beyoncé)、《thank u,next》(Ariana Grande)等经典作品的传奇录音棚Jungle City Studio首次会面,风格互相契合的音乐,就成为了他们之间最默契的语言。录音期间,TIA在歌曲中创造性地加入了中文 “以爱还爱”,Gallant一学就会。Gallant也会教Tia在说“Fire”的时候发音要更靠近“Fiya”,才是西海岸年轻人们最地道的发音方式。作品中,他们是对爱情坚信不疑的灵魂伴侣;工作中,他们则是对音乐默契无比的难觅知音。TIA对作品的动人诠释,也令制作人,曾为Gallant、MØ、Demi Lovato等欧美巨星制作的加拿大著名音乐人Stint赞不绝口。


Trust Myself - 袁娅维 (Tia Ray)/Gallant (加兰特)
录音室:Jungle City Studios
混音:Anthony Dolhai
母带:Chris Gehringer
母带工作室:Sterling Sound
Underneath the covers I see ghosts
Lying with the aftermath in the ashes
I keep killing s**t in tryna grow grow
Drive my heart in automatic it's a habit
But I still want that fire in my bones
If I can't trust myself with love
Then how am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
Hasn't my heart already been bled enough
How am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
With love with love with love
If all these broken planets could align
I wouldn't be here holding piece ancient ruins
Swearing that my luck is in decline
I'm walking into open waters
Push me through it
But I still want that fire in my bones bones
If I can't trust myself with love
Then how am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
Hasn't my heart already been bled enough
How am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
With love with love with love
All these secrets I'm just keeping in a drawer now
I've been looking for a way to break the door down
It happens to people emotions the deep
Is it hopeless how am I supposed to breathe
If I can't trust myself with love
Then how am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
Hasn't my heart already been bled enough
How am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
If I can't trust myself with love
Then how am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
Hasn't my heart already been bled enough
How am I supposed to trust somebody else with love
With love with love with love
Love love love
I am gonna trust somebody hey
I am gonna trust somebody like you


袁娅维&Gallant-Trust Myself(feat. Gallant).mp3
8.29 MB

文件总数 = 1
文件大小之和 = 8697858 Bytes


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