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标题: 许魏洲-REBIRTH – 高音质MP3(320K)/无损(FLAC) [打印本页]

作者: 加利福尼亚    时间: 2019-12-31 17:05
标题: 许魏洲-REBIRTH – 高音质MP3(320K)/无损(FLAC)

当两种矛盾的特质融合进血液 迎接完整彻底的脱胎换骨 这一次 我依然是我 这一次 带你重新认识我 许魏洲全新单曲【REBIRTH】2019岁末惊喜上线 以燃系电子摇滚热血诉说成长历程 开启重生的2020 在即将过去的2019年 许魏洲迎来了自己的二十五岁 二十五岁是一个特别的年纪 少年心性依旧 却不愿像小孩子一样横冲直撞 脑海里想法变多 又不愿如大人一般深思熟虑 知道自己喜欢什么 讨厌什么 学会了如何与世界相处 与自己共存 25岁正因为这样而更有自信 这一刻的我 将用最好的状态开启崭新的一年 过去一年的种种经历 无论好的坏的 都是使自己不断成长的养分 由衷感谢一路同行时给予我力量的人们 默默陪伴我度过每一次挫折和难关 让我重拾一次又一次战斗下去的勇气 和永不言弃的信念 I’m ready for REBIRTH 2020的许魏洲会更好的

【在线试听(Online Player)】



鼓:HaoL@D-Jin Music
录音:周天澈/李宗远@studio 21A/D-Jin@TinTone Music Studio
混音/母带:George Dum@Liquid Fish Studio LA
Don't you ever stop believing
Every time when you fall
There is so much love to make you grow
Fine I lost one more game
No I don't think I can
Everything that's caught up in my life
Knock me down upper cut in my face
Every time when I'm afraid
People give me faith with their own praise
They make me stronger
Make me stronger
Not this time cause I won't break
Just like Iron man
Keep on fighting
Keep on fighting
Till the end
I've been waiting my whole life
For this moment to be recognized
Even if I'm black and blue right now
I will trust you with my instincts
Cause I know you will be there
Give me the power to heal
I'm ready ready ready ready
Fall life has knocked me out
Pain bleeding inside out
Everything that's caught up in my life
Knock me down upper cut in my face
Though I've thrown a thousand punches
Yet I haven't made it
I will promise you I'll never fall again
I've been waiting my whole life
For this moment to be recognized
Even if I'm black and blue right now
I will trust you with my instincts
Cause I know you will be there
Give me the power to heal
I'm ready ready ready ready
Don't you ever stop believing
Every time when you fall
There is so much love to make you grow
You're not alone
Cause we can make it stronger
And we can punch it harder
As long as we all believe
I've been waiting my whole life
For this moment to be recognized
Even if I'm black and blue right now
You and I side by side
We can fight it day and night
We will never give up
We're ready ready ready ready


30.23 MB
9.30 MB

文件总数 = 2
文件大小之和 = 41448059 Bytes


作者: hdchy    时间: 2020-1-1 14:13
作者: 24668994    时间: 2020-1-2 08:57
作者: s199821    时间: 2020-1-9 00:54

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