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标题: 广告过滤器 Adguard Pre v7.3.3048.0 Lite V2 简约绿色版 [打印本页]

作者: 唐章小小    时间: 2020-1-16 14:25
标题: 广告过滤器 Adguard Pre v7.3.3048.0 Lite V2 简约绿色版
Adguard 是一款由塞浦路斯同名软件工作室精心设计与制作开发的高级广告拦截与恶意脚本过滤器,为用户提供可靠和可管理的保护。可以有效地移除所有烦人和低俗的广告内容,阻止存在潜在危险或危险网站的强制加载,也不允许任何人以任何方式在线跟踪用户隐私记录,是保护网民用户远离恶意软件的最佳方式之一。
AdGuard 是目前拥有可获取最佳网络冲浪体验所需全部功能的独特应用程序。其完美组合了世界上最高级的广告拦截器,隐私保护模块以及家长控制等实用功能,可协同任何网页浏览器和应用程序进行广告拦截工作。
Adguard Premium v7.3.3048.0 更新の日志(Crk By MrSzzS)
= Added Scriptlets support;
= Added $redirect and $rewrite modifiers support;
= Improved Proxy mode can now be used alongside automatic traffic filtering;
= Added Activating AdGuard by linking personal Account;
= Added Enable the HARs writing as an advanced option;
= Fixed False link interception;
= Fixed Disabling HTTPS filtering for an app works incorrectly;
= Fixed Cookies time-to-live resets to zero;
= Fixed Automatic apps filtering gets disabled after an app update;
= Fixed Userscript working in pre version 7 releases not working in post version 7 releases;
= FixedError occurred while reloading protection does not change the filtering status;
= Fixed Cannot find the file specified #2969
= Fixed Incompatibility between AdGuard and HTTP Debugger;
= Fixed Cannot add executable from %Appdata% to the filtering;
= Fixed Some problems with user filter;
= Fixed Cannot add $network rules to the user filter;
= Fixed Atom package installer does not work when protection enabled;
= Fixed Firefox Private Network issue;
-> 药巴玖:https://cloud.189.cn/t/u2q2AfyeIfIv(访问码:3596);
-> 蓝奏芸:https://www.lanzoui.com/i8a9ztg
-> 苏裤衩:https://yadi.sk/d/lfC20z7mOU9Xfg
-> 痞云驱:http://pc.cd/oXBrtalK
-> 狗爪度:https://pan.baidu.com/s/13rECkM0xe28nxOssWlQdnA(桥豆麻袋:6msj);
-> 麦尔入:https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4pnz/b9uU1wREE
-> 沃家盼:Adguard_Pre_v7.3.3048.0.7z
-> 度凉凄:https://eyun.baidu.com/s/3jJPPrmQ
-> 曲奇韵:https://quqi.gblhgk.com/s/3925938/dQGS0XMtwpCYydMY
-> 麦嘎畔:https://mega.nz/#!RlhgBCjT!gn4frmGAHvU45TCrwKgloOIDxaxYWjbZAkc-SqKFyck
-> 上传易:https://www.upload.ee/files/10892446/Adguard_Pre_v7.3.3048.0.7z.html
***************************************************************** 华丽の分割线 *****************************************************************
历史の回顾 – Adguard Pre v6.4.1814 Lite V2 简约绿色版:
-> 药巴玖:https://cloud.189.cn/t/2UZRJrBbEB32(访问码:8606);
-> 蓝奏芸:https://www.lanzoui.com/i2c2b6d
-> 苏裤衩:https://yadi.sk/d/VzoQ-zup1Khu6A
-> 狗爪度:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZSTUVJ3sEPrXNEpo_98ihg
-> 麦尔入:https://cloud.mail.ru/public/EduJ/FRkewgzjG
-> 度凉凄:https://eyun.baidu.com/s/3rahF1pU
-> 麦嘎畔:https://mega.nz/#!Jw5XACCB!TPz-uYKrWwPZN4Qh6FLaR9x98TXrSR3iet6uspXaTOk
-> 上传易:https://www.upload.ee/files/9169364/Adguard_Pre_v6.4.1814_V2.7z.html

作者: oぃ輸在喜欢妳    时间: 2020-1-16 14:31
作者: 寂寞、变堕落    时间: 2020-1-23 19:56
作者: 投君怀抱里    时间: 2020-1-24 03:03
作者: 一切、虚伪    时间: 2020-1-24 23:37
<<广告过滤器 Adguard Pre v7.3.3048.0 Lite V2 简约绿色版>>

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